Sunday 15 September 2013

Haircare: Paul Mitchell Strength

Product: Paul Mitchell Strength, Super Strong Daily Shampoo & Conditioner
Price: I paid £20.95 for the set, each bottle is 300ml
Where: I got it from a local hairdresser, but see links below aswell

I love this company. They definitely understand haircare. They are against animal testing, and also help other causes too such as tree conservation & support lots of charities. From their website:  "Paul Mitchell is always looking out for our furry friends. In 1980, we became the first professional beauty company to announce that we don't conduct or endorse animal testing."

This shampoo & conditioner were recommended to me by my mum's hairdresser. I used to bleach my hair a lot in order to be blonde, but bleaching strips the pigment from your hair, leaving it more prone to breakages, drying out and being damaged. I had a strand test done after I had been using this for 6 weeks, and the results showed a lot less breakages.

I have recently gone from being 'bleach blonde' to a kind of 'honey blonde'. My hairdresser now uses 20 vol peroxide instead of 30 vol, which has helped my hair have less stress put on it without me having to leave my 'blonde life'.

Haircare Tips:
  • Always using heat protecting spray for blow drying, straightening and curling
  • When blow-drying, use a medium heat instead of the top heat
  • Only straighten your hair when necessary, like when you are going 'out out'
  • Use a leave in conditioner once or twice a week
  • Try not to over-wash your hair, as the natural oils produced actually helps your hair. I wash mine 2 or 3 times a week max
  • Use a brush or comb where it doesn't pull the hair out of your head, e.g. a Denman nylon brush or a wide-toothed comb
  • Get your hair cut every 8-12 weeks
  • Head massages help to get the blood flowing around the scalp area, encouraging hair growth
  • I currently use 'Silica Complex' tablets for hair, skin & nails. I will be doing a later post on these tablets to let you know how they are going
  • Best foods to help hair growth: Salmon, walnuts, eggs, spinach, leafy-green vegetables and chicken (protein)  

Sources & helpful websites:

Sunday 18 August 2013

The Beginning.

Hi, I'm Lauren, and am hoping that these blogs could help others with their cosmetics and beauty choices. I will be giving review on products, and tips which have helped me. As you can see from the title, I am against animal testing, and actively look out for cruelty-free products.

Animal Testing for cosmetics
It can be very confusing when it comes to animal testing. In Europe, it is illegal to conduct animal testing, and illegal to sell or import any animal tested products. However, companies who operate internationally may still conduct animal testing for their markets outside the EU, for example, China, Japan & America. Companies may say they do not test on animals, but use another company to test on animals for them to pass certain laws in other countries. Some company websites are very vague, stating that they are "against animal testing... except when required by law." In my eyes, I have lost faith in any company that still condones animal testing, just so they can sell to places like China for greater profits.

I have done a lot of research into this, and found that a lot of big companies are still conducting animal testing in other countries. Then there's things to consider like companies saying that they are against animal testing, but are actually owned or part of a subsidery/sister of a company that still tests on animals. I aim to find those companies that are out there to give us products without the need to test on animals. 

Looking after you
Looking after your body is also very important when it comes to beauty. I have always had problems with my skin-care routine and damaged hair, so hope to give tips and tricks to having a healthier beauty regime.

Sources & helpful websites: